We found a broken tail light and the damage on car side and the rear bumper! Angry! I thought this is a safe neighborhood. 2 notes were attached on the windshield. A nice witness kindly left some information hoping to be helpful. We then talked with the neighbors. Sadly, the sinner took off too fast and no one was able to read his plate number. Police report was filed, the insurance company was informed. 可惡! 車尾燈被撞破, 後保險桿和後車門一大片刮痕. 好心的目擊者在雨刷處留了2張字條,希望能幫我們找到兇手。可惜,我們和附近鄰居聊後,兇手因太快離開現場,沒人來得及記下車牌號碼。已通知警察和保險公司。
Sentimental, loving, boldness, appreciation, contentment, learning