

目前顯示的是 11月, 2014的文章

Kitchen countertop: experience with Golden cabinets and stones

I would have given 4 stars if there was no communication problem. We were to replace the kitchen countertop, the reasons we chose Golden's service are: 1) recommended by someone who did our kitchen cabinet job 2) the price of the material here was relatively cheaper in comparison with Home Depot's, 3) besides, their installation fee including demo was reasonable, 4) the work could be scheduled & done within a week upon our purchase, we were thrilled as we wanted to rent it out as soon as possible (keep in mind, we were only to do the countertop of the kitchen with a new undermount sink, not a big work; however, I seriously doubt if Home Depot would be able to schedule a work fast enough), 5) well, they speak Chinese, and I speak Chinese ;); had a very happy chat with the saleslady who also took time to show us around, 6) fair display of countertop material at the showroom, and I saw what I liked. Well, we then wanted to cancel the service (if we had not pay in full in advan...

忽然懷念舊歌: 王傑

剛看到新聞提到黃鶯鶯, 忽然想聽她的歌, 在youtube上懷舊. 那時期的歌詞很有詩意, 含蓄中卻明白表達情感. 旋律和現代的比起來, 明顯透露著中式傳統的幽幽之意, 輕輕淡淡, 意猶未盡.~~~~雖然, 我也還是很喜歡現代熱情吵鬧的pop、rap歌曲~ 然後, 王傑就跳出來了. 一直很喜歡他, 在youtube 忍不住溫習許多他自譜詞曲的歌. 聽他的歌常有種感覺, 就像心狠狠地糾在一起, 非常捨不得, 有點痛, 想哭, 但又聽得好過癮. 他的嗓音, 我覺得, 到現在還沒有其他歌手能比擬或有相似度的, 帶著滄桑陰柔, 但不嬌情, 字字清楚不做作, 他唱著的每一個愛情故事, 好痴狂, 好浪子 (呵, 有時候, 覺得聽他歌有狼在叫的情感在=.=) ~哈哈, 難怪很容易擄獲少女心! 那時期, 沒有太花俏的音樂錄影帶(MV), 行銷手法不如現代多樣化, 靠得通常是真材實料的聲音. 果然, 他的背景也像一個電影故事, 最欣賞從無到有, 有潛力而爆發, 曾苦過, 對人生有特別體驗的人. 對哦~ 會不會有人想將王傑的歌製成電影? 但男主角要找出具備王傑特質的影星有誰適合呢? 王傑不是那種外表型的俊男帥哥, 是隱隱中散出的個人魅力令人忍不住想聽他說出的故事. 王傑好像也偏向低調, 沒有太多新聞. 他自已是最適合演出王傑電影的人吧! 不過, 現實的年紀很難演他年輕的時候... 王傑雖然現在少有動作, 有點消失了的感覺(但在大陸一段時間還是有演唱會), 但是, 我還是希望他以健康為主, 好好保重~

OBGYN experience, great doctor but poor office staff/organization

Although I do think my OBGYN Dr. Huang is a very gentle, caring, and nice doctor, her staff are not impressive, even I might use terrible to describe. It seems this OBGYN office is lacking leadership and organization skills. The followings were posted on Yelp, sadly, Yelp has an automatic system to filter out my reviews as currently not recommended (hided from the main review threads and my review grade is not counted to affect the overall rating) because of my apparently not making enough friends on Yelp. oh, well. [update: since I posted a few more posts on Yelp later, they show my post in the regular thread, :) ] 2014. 10. visit 我的婦産科診所真兩光, 建議我要測老公的精子活動力, 上次回診發給我單子, 說可以把sample送到單子上5家其中一家, 重點是"新鮮貨"要一小時內送到. 結果, 我們送去一家離家較近的, 他們卻說沒儀器分析, 我們也來不及再轉送到別家醫院了! 而且, 單子上說開到晚上, 其實, 只開到中午. 白做又白跑一趟! Sorry, a bad experience that must share, especially if you are seeking fertility/pregnancy consultation. I thought I would update my review with greater happiness at 2nd visit, unfortunatel...