

目前顯示的是 3月, 2015的文章


參考食譜來源的試作:  平底鍋料理_椒鹽雞排+日本人平底鍋煎雞排秘訣 材料: costco 去骨去皮雞腿排, 一小包5片 (costco 一次需買6小包) 海塩: 2/3 tsp (視個人口味) 現磨黑楜椒粉: 適量 乾迷迭香(dry rosemary): 適量 蒜: 切細片 青蔥: 切小碎片 辣椒: 切小碎片 米酒: 1 TBP 麵粉: 適量 時間: 20-25 分鐘 作法: 雞腿排稍用水沖淨後, 用餐巾紙擦乾兩面 用米酒按摩雞腿排 加入塩、楜椒粉和迷迭香再按摩 靜放約5-8分鐘 要放入平底鍋前, 再每片雞腿排兩面沾薄層麵粉 冷油, 冷鍋 , 小火 , 下雞腿排  一面煎約8-10分鐘, 稍翻底看有沒有變金黃色. 視火量大小, 但火不應大於中火, 不然易燒焦蒜片和腿排, 宜採取小火慢煎 翻面後, 加入青蔥、辣椒片和蒜片, 蒜片分鋪雞腿排下面和上面. 續煎約8-10分鐘, 直到兩面都呈金黃色, 需要時壓一下肉以讓每個部份都煎到沒有血肉, 筷子輕易刺穿最厚處就準備起鍋 真是超簡單, 只是用小火, 要等待的時間. 但不費功, 等的時間可做別的料理! 重點是, 超好吃!

習慣性流產: #2, 41歲 (Recurrent miscarriage:#2, age 41)

12/18,19,20,21, 22  [traveling] 1/17,18,19,20, [ ovulation: 1/26] 2/14: pregnancy test+ 3/5: woke up with a bad dream, saw lots of blood but in the dream someone said it was ok… went to toilet at~7:30a.m. a quarter size red blood, freaked out, felt tender breast disappearing but then the tenderness returned an hour later. No cramp, no abdominal discomfort. Some constipation. Called OB and re-scheduled to visit today at 2:45 p.m. vaginal ultrasound captured the tiny baby, OB said the baby has good heart beats. I cried with happy tears. 6wk 2 days, due day expected on10/24. Was advised not to do exercise, more sleep and rest, do not swimming. OB commented the placenta is at low lying position but asked me not to worry as it should move up naturally by each week in general. Lately, usually after #2, brownish tanned discharge or mucous like small brown balls land in the toilet 3/9: before bed time, felt left lower abdominal cramp, all night discomfort and worried....