Me: I would like to have a BBQ chicken. Window lady: One...? Me: BBQ chicken~ Window lady: Just one?... Me: BBQ chicken~ [thinking: why do you have to ask me again and again, did I not say BBQ chicken already?] Window lady: Just One BBQ chicken?? Me: oh, yes, ONE, PLEASE. [I thought I already told her at first place to have 'a' BBQ chicken. My mind was wandering. I did not realize that I might have not said it clearly or she might have missed it until multiple questions. haha....a bit embarrassing.] When arrived home, I found my parking stall was occupied by someone. As I was starting to feel anger I looked around and realized this was not the floor of my parking stall!! What a day... had to pull myself together!! ;) 我: 我想要一份BBQ雞 店員: 一份...? 我: BBQ 雞~ 店員: 就一份?... 我: BBQ 雞~ [心想著, 為什麼要一直重覆問我, 不是說過了, 要BBQ chicken嗎?] 店員: 就 一份 BBQ雞? 我: 喔, 對, 一份 , 麻煩了 怎麼上演這段跳針秀啊. 我以為我一開始就說明我要一份BBQ chicken了. 心不在焉的我, 也一直亂答, 完全忽略她的重點. [*很不好意思的我] 腦袋繼續放空著, 回到公寓的停車場後, 忽然發現, 為何有人...
Sentimental, loving, boldness, appreciation, contentment, learning