A while ago I felt a little difficult to get the key out but usually pushed it harder in and turned the key would be out. Last year the guy working on safety check called me for emergency because he couldn't get my car turned off, he's scared to break my key. This year Costco Tire Center called me for emergency while changing tires because of the key stuck issue. I told them to try few more times with pushing key in and wiggle it a bit. After I got back from Costco, I finally couldn't bear with this problem because I couldn't get it off for about 15 minutes. I searched internet and next day and I learn this as common issue. I am reluctant but be prepared to bring car to VW dealer for repair. Luckily the day before I was going to bring car to VW, read a letter from VW which I was almost going to throw away as a promotion letter. In letter, it states extending warranty to 10 years for key housing! I immediately call VW and schedule a diagnosis. Now waiting for the parts come in which they said about 7 days. I drove it yesterday and the car key got stuck again. I am no longer to get it out for working a few minutes, I needs to work on it for over 10 mins. I feel scary to drive the car as I don't know when it happens and how long it will stuck until I get it out. It may mean going out much much earlier to spare time working on the stuck key or just not driving it and waiting it for dealer's key housing replacement.
第一期IUI未成功後, 排定了2/11 照超音波和抽血, 邁向第二次IUI。雖然第一次不成功, 但心情沒有特別低落, 因為了解自己的身體, 當時有感覺沒有懷孕成功. 另一種想法是, 我情願耐心地等候適合的寶寶的到來, 也不希望再次經歷心碎的流產, 於是聽到IUI沒成功時, 心情上並沒有太煩燥。 一切是機緣 雖然我對第一次的IUI時間點有點疑問, 但失敗了, 我也不怪醫師, 因為,對我而言, 她真的是難得一見的好醫師. 再來, 本來成功就是一個機率問題, 更何況我是高齡婦女. 第一期IUI做完後, 除了兩次血檢報告顯示沒有懷孕, 自己其實在家已也驗過兩次, 都是乾乾淨淨的一條線. 經期第二天, 在護士電話通知前, 自己已迫不急待主動服用Letrozole. 個人覺得我對Letrozole反應不錯. 以前曾服用Clomid, 但完全沒有受孕, 而且我還懷疑 clomid 讓我的子宮內膜變薄. 進入第二期IUI: 2/11 CD7 超音波看起來有一顆主要濾泡, 還有幾顆小一點的濾泡 2/15 CD11 抽血 2/16 CD12 護士通知血檢結果還未顯示LH surge(黃體激素出現高峰期), 排了明天再驗血 2/17 CD13, LH surge@5 p.m. (尿驗排卵棒淡色) 抽血. 上午8點半出門前用排卵測棒未顯示笑臉. 抽血後到商場逛逛採購, 到家約下午5點, 再測, 出現笑臉! 不過比照控制線, 我的線條顏色偏淡. 逛街時, 護士也電話通知明天可以準備做IUI了! 覺得這次做IUI的時間和自己測排卵的結果有相符, 心情特別好! 2/18 CD14, 排卵日 , LH surge @9:30 a.m. (尿驗排卵棒深色) 第二期人工受孕的第一天. 雖然昨天排卵測出笑臉, 但好奇心趨使, 上午約9點半再測一次, 結果還在笑臉, 而且線條比昨天深很多, 幾乎和控制線的顏色一致. 猜想, LH正在高點, 應該很快要排卵了吧. 有別 第一次IUI的準備不足 , 這次很順利地在預定時間12:30 送出老公的精子, 在精子預洗及等待Dr. Dominguez到來前, 我很規律地喝水, 時間上抓得還不錯, 等到要做IUI時, 真的是膀胱水噹噹(充滿水的膀胱有利於醫師看超音波影像中的位置而注射精子). 第一次因...