
GOPRO technique support experience

GOPRO Hero Silver 4 experiences:

10.13.2014: purchased through amazon.com
(tested it several times and had no problem)
1.24.2015: filed a technical support on GOPRO official web page
1.28.2015: GOPRO replied suspecting a faulty camera
1.29.2015: GOPRO issued a return authorization for a replacement
1.31.2015: sent it back through FEDEX to GOPRO
2.11.2015: still waiting for a replacement order
2.19.2015: GOPRO emailed to notify a replacement shipment has been arranged
2.24.2015: received the replacement
2.25.2015: tested it, everything seems fine so far, at least, I am able to play it on every function without freezing at this moment. keep testing.
many months afterward, have used GOPRO a few good times and it has not disappointed me. Feel great. Hope it lasts long time!

From: support@gopro.com
Subject: RE: Your GoPro Support Inquiry: Case#

Hi ,

Unfortunately it sounds like there could be a fault with the camera, and we'll need to begin the process of getting you a replacement under warranty.  To get the process started, can you please reply to this e-mail with a photo/scan of your purchase receipt to show you are within the warranty period, the camera's 14 or 15 digit serial number located on the silver or white sticker in the battery compartment (HERO camera SNs are located on the back of the camera) , and also follow the below link to enter your return shipping info for the replacement:

Address Verification

Additionally, please reply back with your return shipping address in the body of your email in the following format:
  • Name
  • Street Address
  • City
  • State or Province
  • Postal code
  • Country 
  • Phone number
Once we hear back and verify that you are within the warranty period, we'll be able to provide you with an RMA (returns authorization) and returns instructions.  
Our apologies for the inconvenience, but we'll do our best to get you a fully functioning replacement as soon as possible.

If the camera was purchased from a local authorized retailer, you may be able to exchange your camera at the retailer for a faster turn around.  You can contact the distributor for your region here: www.gopro.com/international-distributors/

Many Thanks,

GoPro Support

1.24.2015: filed a technical support on GOPRO official web

my hero4 silver keeps freezing. now it even freezes only 1-2 seconds after turned on video mode. I am unable to proceed because it freezes. A few luck times I've tried to go further to setting mode and wanted to test the photo shooting but I cannot even go into setting because it locks up before entering the setting menu. With or without sd card, it freezes.

I have updated the software to the latest version in late December last year.

I bought it on amazon.com on 13.Oct. 2014 and tested it with sandisk ultra 64gb card a few times at home until the battery was low and there was never any freezing. I brought it to travel in Cambodia and Thailand in late Dec/early Jan this year, the first 2 days were fine and then it began to freeze, even switched to use LEXAR 633 card it froze too. The lens and the body got  very hot easily even only 10-15 mins after it's turned on. I also experienced the 'fake recording' as the recording indicator light was still on and the minutes on screen went on but it actually had stopped recording. Of a >30 mins shown on the screen I only read a few seconds video when I imported the files.

Reset camera, re-formatting sd cards, re-update software all fail to help.

As the 1st time go pro user, please advise and kindly provide a replacement for ultimate solution.. I just really want to enjoy it as how others enjoy it.



第2次, 第3次人工受孕的時機點( IUI #2, #3)

第一期IUI未成功後, 排定了2/11 照超音波和抽血, 邁向第二次IUI。雖然第一次不成功, 但心情沒有特別低落, 因為了解自己的身體, 當時有感覺沒有懷孕成功. 另一種想法是, 我情願耐心地等候適合的寶寶的到來, 也不希望再次經歷心碎的流產, 於是聽到IUI沒成功時, 心情上並沒有太煩燥。 一切是機緣 雖然我對第一次的IUI時間點有點疑問, 但失敗了, 我也不怪醫師, 因為,對我而言, 她真的是難得一見的好醫師. 再來, 本來成功就是一個機率問題, 更何況我是高齡婦女. 第一期IUI做完後, 除了兩次血檢報告顯示沒有懷孕, 自己其實在家已也驗過兩次, 都是乾乾淨淨的一條線. 經期第二天, 在護士電話通知前, 自己已迫不急待主動服用Letrozole. 個人覺得我對Letrozole反應不錯. 以前曾服用Clomid, 但完全沒有受孕, 而且我還懷疑 clomid 讓我的子宮內膜變薄. 進入第二期IUI: 2/11 CD7 超音波看起來有一顆主要濾泡, 還有幾顆小一點的濾泡 2/15 CD11 抽血 2/16 CD12 護士通知血檢結果還未顯示LH surge(黃體激素出現高峰期), 排了明天再驗血 2/17 CD13, LH surge@5 p.m. (尿驗排卵棒淡色) 抽血. 上午8點半出門前用排卵測棒未顯示笑臉. 抽血後到商場逛逛採購, 到家約下午5點, 再測, 出現笑臉! 不過比照控制線, 我的線條顏色偏淡. 逛街時, 護士也電話通知明天可以準備做IUI了! 覺得這次做IUI的時間和自己測排卵的結果有相符, 心情特別好! 2/18 CD14, 排卵日 ,  LH surge @9:30 a.m. (尿驗排卵棒深色) 第二期人工受孕的第一天. 雖然昨天排卵測出笑臉, 但好奇心趨使, 上午約9點半再測一次, 結果還在笑臉, 而且線條比昨天深很多, 幾乎和控制線的顏色一致. 猜想, LH正在高點, 應該很快要排卵了吧. 有別 第一次IUI的準備不足 , 這次很順利地在預定時間12:30 送出老公的精子, 在精子預洗及等待Dr. Dominguez到來前, 我很規律地喝水, 時間上抓得還不錯, 等到要做IUI時, 真的是膀胱水噹噹(充滿水的膀胱有利於醫師看超音波影像中的位置而注射精子). 第一次因為喝水時間沒有算好

游泳完就鼻塞. swimmer's nose

想學會游泳一直是我每年的目標. 小學時有上過一期游泳教學, 但那一次學習中, 和同伴練習的過程中差點溺水, 嚇得我又退步了. 之後, 偶而去泳池, 有朋友好心要教, 我卻老是不得要領, 或者說, 我還是一直怕水, 又或者, 會游的人不見得會教游泳. 2011, 2012年在台灣時, 為了把自由式游泳學會,前後共花了2次一對一的課程。 第2次的學習透過朋友的介紹, 教練非常好(我都是選女教練), 採用不同的方式教我, 不是傳統自由式, 是 魚式游法-total immersion ,可google 'total immersion'或'魚式游泳'. 附一個我最推崇的影片:  最悠美輕鬆的自由式游法: Total Immersion ~夢想某天我也能游得像他一樣, 哈哈哈!  不像第一位女教練大嗓門(好像是廣播我的缺點給全游泳池的人), 第二次的老師是輕柔客氣地鼓勵我,隨時增加我的信心. 所以,第2次最後一堂課,我總算有點成績, 水性大增, 可以有點換氣的'樣子'了.  本來想再追加課程, 教練居然很有信心地告訴我, 說其實我自己私下多練幾次應該就可以了, 不用花錢再上課. WOW! 教練真是很會鼓勵我啊.  不過, 後來想頻繁練習時是暑假. 我幾乎沒在暑假游過, 以往都是選擇秋,冬天去學游泳的(不想碰到一堆小朋友). 暑假練習時期,鼻子常鼻塞, 還嚴重到黃痰, 上呼吸道感染....去看醫生, 就是上呼吸道感染. 晚上都鼻塞無法入睡, 隔天還要上班時尤其痛苦. 整個人累又昏, 而且通常持續至少3-4天,很慘. 就算看醫生, 吃了藥也要2天才不會有鼻音. 自己後來才發現,  鼻塞頭痛幾乎是在每次游泳完發生.  問醫生這是什麼原因(我也不是第一次去游泳), 醫生說可能是對氯過敏, 因為夏天小朋友多, 游泳'玩水'的人多, 游泳池可能因此加多點氯. 也真的, 我只要沒去游泳池就沒事, 去完就鼻塞無法入睡,累昏到天亮. GOOGLE後,台灣並未太多文章或分享的經驗, 國外就有很多提及Swiimer's nose, 有很多人甚至是半專業級的泳者分享他們多年游泳後產生swimmer's nose. 原因也不是很明白, 但會分享如何快樂繼續游泳,例如: 買鼻夾(no

最優雅的自由式: 魚式游法.全浸式游法. Youtube排名第一的游泳影片!

最優雅的自由式! Youtube排名第一的游泳影片! 至今, 已達580萬以上人次點閱. 同時,  推薦上youtube 以關鍵字" Total Immersion Self-Coaching Series " 看更多的total immersion的教學. 想當初, 我完全不會游泳又怕水, 付了2次一對一的課程, 在第二次學習中認識了教Total Immersion的教練. Total Immersion 的中文有人翻譯為全浸游泳法, 有人翻為魚式游泳法. Total Immersion的發起人在youtube上提供共6小集的概念教學影片, 共分為6小集. 我覺得可跳過part 1 & part 2, 從part 3開始看或從part 4開始看, part 1& part 2幾乎是在講話, 說明此游法的原理, 有興趣的人可以看, 沒時間或想直接到練習重點的人從part 3 或 part 4看起. 以下為part 4. 就在Total Immersion 課程結束時, 我終於"有一點換氣的樣子", 教練當時好意婉拒我繼續繳學費, 請我先多多自己練習一定會成功, 她強調沒有足够練習是學不好的, 也推薦我上網google "Total Immersion". 果然, 多次練習後, 我可以輕鬆地換氣游自由式了! 只是, 現在練習的池子太淺, 加上有點懶, 天氣太冷、風太大、嫌游完後洗長頭髮麻煩等藉口, 練習少少...因此, 目前仍不敢在開放海域游... 最近, 氣候開始轉暖, 我忍不住上youtube再次看這個影片來刺激自己. 每次看, 每次都覺得: 真的好美! 這是一個現在快50歲的日本人 -Shinji錄製的, 他的故事激勵了很多不會游、不太會游或已會游的人. Shinji 是被醫生警告後, 2002年為了健康要減重才重拾游泳. 雖然, 他小時候在學校學過游泳, 但舊式游法他根本沒辦法游得久, 無法游超過15分鐘就難達成燃燒脂肪. 當時, 他的蛙式比自由式好, 他就在網路上先找蛙式游泳的資訊, 看到有教學影片同時包括Total Immersion的蛙式和蝶式, 他覺得付一個DVD影片錢可學2種還不錯, 就買下自學. 試了Total Immersio